Salesforce REST API: How to Expose Apex Classes as REST API Endpoint - POST

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This article is in continuation of my previous article How to Expose Apex Classes as REST Web Services - GET Operations where I have explained how to implement a GET Operation.


In this article, we will look into the detailed implementation of exposing Apex class as REST Web Service offering a POST operation to delete records from Salesforce Object(s). 


To start with the demo, I have set up some of the data in Accounts Object (Standard Object) which has Invoices Record as its Child


Step-1 & 2: I have added an Account “acr001” in Accounts Object

Step-3 & 4: I have added a few “Invoice Records” which are associated with Customer “acr001” 

Step-5 & 6: If we click any of the Invoice Records, we can see the respective details. We have a couple of important fields “Invoice Number”, “Invoice Date”, “Amount” to focus on

Step-7: We can make use of the same “CustomerServices.cls” apex class that we have added in the previous article

Step-8: Since this is going to be a POST Operation we should decorate it with @HttpPost method annotations


Step-9: As explained earlier, this method should be “global static” and it is having an input parameter “customerId” which is nothing but the Account Id


Step-10: RestContext class offers functions that can be used to get a handle on incoming HTTP Request


Step-11: Since we are passing Account ID as part of Request URI, we can retrieve & used it as required


Step-12: We are using that incoming Account Id to search Salesforce Records using SOQL


Step-13: Based on the data returned by the SOQL, we can build a data collection. This can be done by initiating an entity as shown in the screenshot


Step-14: Assign “AccountId” to collections’ “CustomerId” property


Step-15: Assign collections’ “Deleted_Invoice_Details” property to the result set of SOQL query which is querying “list of Invoices records” based on the “AccountId”


Step-16: Assign “IsSuccess” property to a Boolean value (in Prod version, this should be set based on SOQL DML Operation outcome)


Step-17: Execute Delete Operation using “Deleted_Invoice_Details” property (which is a list of all invoices for a particular customer)


Step-18: Lastly we can return entity “delInvoices” as part of the response to this Http Request

Step-19: To deploy the code to Source Org using VS Code we need to right-click in the class file and select “SFDX: Deploy Source to Org”

Step-20: We can see the deployment completed successfully. We can also notice the list of files deployed to Source Org by looking at the Output window as shown

With this, we have all the code that we need to make this REST Service functional to handle a delete request (POST).

To test this web service we can use Postman Web Client. Let’s launch it and see some action.


Step-21: Since we have defined the Apex function with @HttpPost annotation, so we need to choose “POST” as the HTTP Request method


We can define the Apex based REST Service Endpoint Url as per the following pattern

https://<SF Instance Host Header>/services/apexrest/CustomerServices/<Account Id>


Add the “Authorization” Header and specify its value as “Bearer <Security Token Received>”. To know about getting Security Token, you can refer to my earlier article Salesforce REST API Authentication: The Login Request

Step-22: We should pass a valid JSON as Request Body to this request definition. This implementation opens up the world of choices for developers to pass any valid data structure to the API EndPoint

Once the response is received, we can analyze the response carefully to find the important data points


Step-23: Note “IsSuccess” property returns back as part of the response and this is the same property that we set earlier in the Apex Class


Step-24: Now note the “Deleted_Invoice_Details” property which is the list of all Invoices that has been deleted as part of this request


Step-25: Also we can see the details for each Invoice that was deleted. This API response contains the data structure which is strictly controlled by the API definition we have exposed as Apex Class

Step-26: Response also contains the “CustomerId” property that holds the AccountId to which the deleted set of invoices belongs to

Step-27: We can verify if the Invoices are deleted successfully by filtering the data view as shown


Exposing Apex classes as REST Web Service is a very powerful implementation around Salesforce REST API Framework. We can leverage to implement native Web Service Callouts for external applications supporting integration Use Cases.  

  • Calls to Apex REST classes count against the organization's API governor limits. 
  • The maximum request or response size is 6 MB for synchronous Apex or 12 MB for asynchronous Apex.
  • Apex REST supports OAuth 2.0, Session ID authentication mechanisms
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