Salesforce REST API: How to Expose Apex Classes as REST API Endpoint - POST
Looking for Salesforce Training & HandsOn Projects? Trailblazer Profile | LinkedIn | Salesforce Blog | Facebook | Youtube Channel | WhatsApp Community This article is in continuation of my previous article How to Expose Apex Classes as REST Web Services - GET Operations where I have explained how to implement a GET Operation. In this article, we will look into the detailed implementation of exposing Apex class as REST Web Service offering a POST operation to delete records from Salesforce Object(s). To start with the demo, I have set up some of the data in Accounts Object (Standard Object) which has Invoices Record as its Child Step-1 & 2: I have added an Account “acr001” in Accounts Object Step-3 & 4: I have added a few “Invoice Records” which are associated with Customer “acr001” Step-5 & 6: If we click an...