Salesforce Aura Framework: How To Work With Aura Documentation Framework

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Documenting development artifacts are as critical as writing code for them and this fact holds well no matter in which technology stack you are dealing with.

Salesforce also is no exception to this. In this article, we will discuss and see the implementations of the Aura Documentation Framework, which is a well-managed approach recommended by Salesforce to document the functionalities & behavior of Aura Components, Apps, Attributes and much more.

Aura Documentation Framework is hugely dependent on the inline description capabilities of lightning tags.

Few of them are ”<aura:application>” ,“<aura:component>”, “<aura:attribute>”,”<aura:event>”,“<aura:interface>”,”<aura:registerEvent>”.

To start with the demo I have a simple component that I have developed earlier. I am going to use this component and walk you through all the steps.

Step-1: We have an Aura Application which is hosting two child components

Step-2: We can two child components “DocumentationDemoCmp”, “SomeChildCmp”

Step-3: We can see the definition of “DocumentationDemoCmp” components

Step-4: We can see the HTML used to render this component

Step-5: We can see the definition of “SomeChildCmp” components

Step-6: We can see the HTML used to render this component

Step-7: The remaining part of HTML for this component

Step-8: And finally we can see the complete component rendered in the browser

Step-9: We can see the URL to navigate to the documentation of all of your components

“<Salesforce Instance Header>/auradocs/”

In this demo, we have this URL translated to


Step-10: Under the “Component -> Aura -> <Default Namespace for Org> Link on the left”, we can see Components listed

Since this is a developer org we have “c” as Default Namespace for this Org

Step-11: Lets’ start investigating “DocumentationDemoCmp”

Step-12: We can see the details of all components (Ex. “aura:component” that act as the base for this components, also a list of Interfaces (Ex. “flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes”) that are implemented in this component

Step-13: We can see the list of tabs each corresponding file included in the Component’s Bundle. For example, the source tab will display the content of the “.cmp” file from Bundle and so on.

Step-14: We can see the Overview Tab, it contains the information that is helpful to understand the functionality component. Right now it is just showing default values. As we progress further we will keep updating each of these sections

Step-15,16,17,18: In these steps, we can see the same information for another Child Component “SomeChildCmp”

Step-19: Now we will start making some changes to the Aura Component Documentation for “DocumentationDemoCmp” Markup. We need to modify “DocumentationDemoCmp.auradoc” file that will automatically reflect the changes in documentation

Step-20: Add a description for the Aura Component that will help Component Users/Consumers to understand the purpose of the Component. Also can mention the usage details for the Component to let users know how they can refer this component into their code

Step-21: We can also provide an example guiding the user on how to refer this component into their code files

Step-22: Now if we go back to Aura Documentation we can see our changes reflected into the documentations as highlighted

Step-23: Now we will make changes to “DocumentationDemoCmp.cmp” file and add “Description” property of the attribute “title” declared within the markup of the Aura Component, the description provided for this attribute will be available as part of the documentation

Step-24: We can see the information listed under the “title” attribute in Aura Documentation. It is the same information that we have specified for “Description” attribute for the Aura Component

Step-25: We can explore more of the tabs listed under Aura Documentation. For example, under “Source” we can see the source code for the Aura Component

Step-26: We can see the source code with all the markup in “.cmp” from the Component Bundle

Step-27: Under dependencies tab, we can all the dependent Components, Interfaces, Styles and Types associated with the Aura Component

Step-28: For example, this component is making use of “ltng:require” which is a standard component included inside this Aura Component

Step-29: Another example could be “flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes” interfaces that have been implemented in this Aura Component

Step-30: Also we can see that this component is making use of Custom CSS (styles) for its markup

Step-33: Similarly we can define a relevant description for Child Aura Component as well

Step-34: Similarly we can find the description listed under Aura Documentation for the Component

Step-35: Likewise we can define the description for the attributes declared inside the markup of the Child Component

Step-36: And sure enough we will get the description for the attribute added to the Aura Documentation

Step-37: We can keep adding information about the component in the “.auradoc” file of the Component Bundle for this child component

Step-38: We can also showcase the usage of the component along with any attributes that are required to be passed

Step-39: We can view the effect of changes in the Aura Documentation by visiting the “Overview” tab

Step-40: Under the “Overview” tab we can see a new description is now added to the documentation

Step-41: We can also the example usage of the Aura Component along with attribute that needs to be passed alongside

Similarly, we can see the source code for this component under different tabs available in the Aura Documentation.

Step-42: For example on the “Source” tab we can see the HTML markup used for this component which is part of “.cmp” file from the component bundle

Step-43: We can see the completed HTML markup code for this component

Step-44: Another example could be “css://style” tab where we can see the custom CSS code used for this component

Step-45: We can see the completes CSS code is used to style the HTML markup for this component

So far we have discussed the steps to apply documentation settings for the Child Components. In the steps below we will look for the steps of documenting a Standalone Salesforce App which is hosting child components.

For this demo, the app will be hosting the two-child components that we discussed above till Step-45

Process of documenting an App is similar to that of Components

Step-46: Let’s visit the Application with “.app” extension from the Application Bundle as shown in the screenshot below

Step-47: Then we will add a description for the App. This is exactly same as we did with documenting Component

Step-48: Now lets’ visit to the “.auradoc” file from Application Bundle

Step-49: Add the description to the Aura Documentation for the Application

Step-50: Add the details of the components this App is hosting 

Let’s visit the Aura Documentation to see the effects of the changes we made in earlier steps

Step-51: We can see a description is added to the Aura Documentation for this App

Step-52: We can also the details of all the child components this App is hosting

Step-53: Like before we can see the source code for this Application under “Source” tab

Step-54: We can see the complete HTML markup under the “Source” tab

Few more points to notice-

Step-55: We can see the documentation of the App by clicking the respective link from the tree view on the left 

Step-56: We can find the list of all the dependencies used within this Application under the “Dependencies” tab

Step-57: We can see this Application extends “force:slds” to include lightning design system to beautify the HTML markup for the Application & all of its child components

Step-58: We can see the list of Components which this application is holding as its child

Step-59: We can also see the list of CSS styles (Custom CSS for the application) included within this app

I found this feature of documenting all of your Aura Components so cool, it is fairly easy to implement and impressive way to showcase your components to your clients, or if it is part of the managed package then to all consumers of your components.

Hope you enjoyed this article. Please leave your comments to let me know how you do like the content and how you do find it helpful to learn the topic.

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