Salesforce SOAP API: The Login Request (Authentication Step)

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Integration is the constraining need of today’s IT landscape. More and more systems, platforms and technologies are coming closer through different integration techniques. Integration is where Source System may expose their data employing a data layer and the target system access that data layer to request data.

Technological progressions testified many amazing tools & technologies to ease the integration process. Web Service End Points are the most popular amongst them. Like most popular software platforms, Salesforce also offers data access via Web Service Endpoints (APIs in common). 

Salesforce offers both SOAP and REST-based service endpoints to enable data access by a large variety of thin clients (Windows Applications, Sync Jobs, Web Applications, Mobile Applications and much more).


This article is more focused on the Authentication mechanism for Salesforce SOAP-based services. If you have not already gone through my earlier articles on this, I would strongly recommend referring the article How to Prepare Environment for Salesforce SOAP API Development as this article is acting as a prerequisite for API Development scenarios. If you feel disengaged with any piece of content in this article that means you need to refer to the earlier article first.

Now in this article, we will discuss the detailed steps on how to authenticate SOAP-based requests against Salesforce Org. We will explore the SOAP payloads for the request & response cycle for the request.

Launch the Postman and run through the following steps-

Preparing Request Object

Step-1: Select request type as “POST” since this going to be a request with user credentials submitted to the Salesforce Org

Step-2: Specify the Login Url as<API Version>, in this case, I have the API Version as “47.0”

Step-3: Select the Request “Body” section 

Step-4: Select “raw” as the data input mean for the request data payloads 

Step-5: Select “XML” as the content type for the data payloads 

Step-6: Include the “SOAP envelope” as the request body. You can copy the XML Envelope from Salesforce documentation reference SOAP Envelope: Login Request and all you need is to change values for UserName & Password. 

User Name: It is the user name for the Salesforce Org              
Password: It is the combination of a password for the Salesforce Org and User
Security Token. (Refer Prerequisites section)

Step-7: Click on Request “Header” section              

 Step-8: Add the following headers-            

“Content-Type” as “text/xml”
“SOAPAction” as ‘ ’ (blank quotes). This is a mandatory header that detects the intents of the SOAP Request. So it is important to include this Header with blank quotes in the SOAP Request 

Step-9: Once all information is in place as required, click “Send” to the submit SOAP Request to Salesforce Org 

Step-10: We can see the Response Section where response payloads will be displayed with all the data returned as part of the response, even if it an error processing the request. 

Analyzing Response Object

Step-11: Once the request is completed and response is received, we can click on Response “Body” section 

Step-12: We can notice that the response is received as “XML” as specified by the Request Header “Content-Type” 
If we inspect the response object carefully, we can see “Status Code: 200” which means request executed successfully and we have received the data we are looking for.

Step-13: The response object provides us vital information on User & Request Authentication. Below the values that we need to focus on-

“serverUrl”: This is the instance Url that can we used to build any subsequent SOAP Request to the Salesforce Org
“sessionId”: This is short-lived authentication token that we need to use to authenticate the SOAP Request to the Salesforce Org
”userId”: It shows the user Id, under whose security context this response object received, which means if this user doesn’t have access to any specific Salesforce resource, the subsequent SOAP request will still get exceptions if try to query the restricted resource.

Step-14: Shows the User contextual values which could be helpful in many cases, so it is always a good idea to keep it handy. 

Step-15: It is advisable to keep this request saved with Postman as we need to execute it one or more times to get the refreshed session-id (remember it is short-lived). Click on “Save” 

Step-16: Click on “Save As…” 

Step-17: Enter the suitable name for this request, to reuse later

Step-18: Search for the collection you want to add it to. (Refer Prerequisites section)      

Step-19: Select “Salesforce APIs” as the collection you want the request to add to 

Step-20: Click “Save to Salesforce APIs” button

Step-21: We can see the new request added to the collection 

This is a reusable request that we have to execute every time we need an updated Session-Id, so saving this query would save a lot of repetitive effort. This is true even if we executing the SOAP Requests using Visual Force Pages and Lightning Web Components


Authentication would always be the first step in the development and execution of APIs. In this article, we discussed how to build a login request for Salesforce SOAP APIs and the response object includes the "Session Id" which is required to Authenticate and subsequent SOAP API requests to Salesforce.

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